At the swish-looking Metzendorff stand Javier Hidalgo, from Hidalgo-La Gitana, showed me his new book, ?La Manzanilla: El vino de Sanlucar?, co-authored with Christopher Fielden. The book is published in Spanish by ... Javier had a broken foot (fell off a horse), so could not have been very comfortable standing at the fair all day! Hidalgo had an interesting, single-pago 1986 a?ada oloroso to try. It's not very often that you see an age-dated, single estate sherry? ...
The store is owned by Lauren Metzendorf and Shelley Stern. It closed due to family and professional changes, Stern said. They reopened because, she said, the two women missed working together and heard from shoppers who missed the store ...
... der bergstraße heinrich metzendorf betraut. interessierte bürger sind zu der öffentlichen veranstaltung am montag, den 5. mai 2008 um 20.00 uhr im nebenraum des hotel felix in der dammstraße eingeladen, informiert norbert koller. ...